My research revolves around the fields of quantum computing and cryptography. At
the moment, I am focusing on the design, development and cryptanalysis of
quantum algorithms to attack Post-Quantum Cryptosystems, with a specific focus
on the code-based finalists of NIST
In my spare time, I like to play the ukulele, my loyal travelling companion.
Lately, I also discovered a passion for dance, with swing being my favorite
genre. I also love watching movies,
listening to
and reading good books.
You can find all my contacts and social handles at the bottom of the page.
If you ever find yourself in urgent need of my GPG key, here it is for quick access.
Quantum computing enabled cryptanalytic techniques are able to concretely reduce the security margin of existing cryptographic primitives. While this reduction is only polynomial for symmetric cryptosystems, it still provides a quantifiable reduction in their security margin. In this work, we propose a detailed quantum circuit designed to cryptanalyze both the Data Encryption Standard (DES) cryptosystem, and its successor Triple-DES (3DES), currently standardized in ISO/IEC 18033-3, and still widely employed in satellite data and bank card encryption. To do so, we introduce the first quantum circuit implementation of the 8 substitution tables (a.k.a. S-boxes), applying a bitslicing strategy, which is currently the most efficient classical combinatorial circuit design in terms of number of two inputs Boolean gates. Secondly, we present the complete quantum circuits required to attack both DES and 3DES leveraging Grover’s algorithm. We provide finite equations, delineating the circuits complexities in terms of the number of qubits, gates, depth, and number of qubits multiplied by depth. The complexity analysis is based on two distinct gate sets: a NOT-CNOT-Toffoli (NCT) extended with the Hadamard gate; and the fault-tolerant Clifford+T. Finally, akin to the classical attack to the 3DES, we introduce a meet-in-the-middle strategy relying on an exponential amount of Quantum Random Access Memory. Our findings show that the 3DES with keying option 2, the most widely employed variant of 3DES, can be attacked with a circuit depth of approximately 2^67 and less than a thousand qubits. This aligns closely with the 2^64 value suggested by NIST for the depth achievable sequentially by a single quantum computer in a decade; our technique can be further sped up parallelizing the approach onto multiple devices.
Design of a Quantum Walk Circuit to Solve the Subset-Sum Problem
Search algorithms based on quantum walks have emerged as a
promising approach to solve computational problems across
various domains, including combinatorial optimization, and
cryptography. Stating a generic search problem in terms of a
(quantum) search over a graph makes the efficiency of the
algorithmic method depend on the structure of the graph
itself. In this work, we propose a complete implementation of
a quantum walk search on Johnson graphs, speeding up the
solution of the subset-sum problem. We provide a detailed
design of each sub-circuit, quantifying their cost in terms of
gate number, depth, and width. We compare our solution against
a Grover quantum search, showing a reduction of the T-count
and T-depth for practically solvable problems. The proposed
design provides a building block for the construction of
efficient quantum search algorithms that can be modelled on
Johnson graphs, filling the gap with the existing theoretical
complexity analyses.
Improving the Efficiency of Quantum Circuits for Information Set Decoding
Code-based cryptosystems are a promising option for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), as neither classical nor quantum algorithms provide polynomial time solvers for their underlying hard problem. Indeed, to provide sound alternatives to lattice-based cryptosystems, NIST advanced all round 3 code-based cryptosystems to round 4 of its Post-Quantum standardization initiative. We present a complete implementation of a quantum circuit based on the Information Set Decoding (ISD) strategy, the best known one against code-based cryptosystems, providing quantitative measures for the security margin achieved with respect to the quantum-accelerated key recovery on AES, targeting both the current state-of-the-art approach and the NIST estimates. Our work improves the state-of-the-art, reducing the circuit depth by 219 to 230 for all the parameters of the NIST selected cryptosystems, mainly due to an improved quantum Gauss-Jordan elimination circuit with respect to previous proposals. We show how our Prange’s based quantum ISD circuit reduces the security margin with respect to its classical counterpart. Finally, we address the concern brought forward in the latest NIST report on the parameters choice for the McEliece cryptosystem, showing that its parameter choice yields a computational effort slightly below the required target level.